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Fijet  Croatia  members participated EUSAIR communication academy, held in Thessaloniki, 4-7 july , 2023
Fijet Croatia members participated EUSAIR communication academy, held in Thessaloniki, 4-7 july , 2023 27 july 2023

The EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region is one of the four EU macro-regional strategies, besides the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (2009), the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (2011) and the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region (2016). The EUSAIR covers ten countries: four EU Member States (Croatia, Greece, Italy, Slovenia) and six non-EU countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, San Marino, Serbia). The Strategy was jointly developed by the Commission and the Adriatic-Ionian Region countries and stakeholders, which agreed to work together on the areas of common interest for the benefit of each country and the whole region. As a project Media  Partner,  Fijet  Croatia  participated the Presentation of  Eusair Facility Point Project,  organized by Ministry of Tourism (Coordinator for  Sustainable...

Marco Polo Grand Prix Award : Stefan Baciu from Romania
Marco Polo Grand Prix Award : Stefan Baciu from Romania 09 july 2023

Fijet Croatia  has given its annual 2019 Marco Polo Grand Prix Award to Stefan Baciu  for writing about Morocco as a host country of Fijet Congress in 2018. With these awards, the Fijet  Croatia underlines the value of a professional approach to writing   reportages  about tourism. The Marco Polo  Awards have several categories  for domestic and international  journalists and writers. The sponsor and host   of Marco Polo  Grand Prix for best articles about  Fijet  Congress  Host  country is  City of Korcula and   Tourist Office  Korcula. In this way, the winners report and publish reportages from journalists' own experience and stay in Korcula and  Croatia, what is are highly important for the image of  Croatian  tourism.Stories and impressions based on personal...

Photo exhibition Travel and Emotions in Piešťany, Slovakia
Photo exhibition Travel and Emotions in Piešťany, Slovakia 04 july 2023

The 5th year FIJET SLOVAKIA is organizing international competition and exhibition Travel and Emotions in Piešťany's Balnea Esplanade. This year's theme stimulated competing tourism journalists to highlight moments between people in the visited location, moments in nature, moments in culture in their photographs. The international jury, led by PhDr. Marián Pauer ESFIAP, selected 55 photographs of authors from the Czech Republic, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Canada, Austria,Hungary  and Slovakia for the presentation of the exhibition. The organizers of the exhibition were glad that most of the photographs brought a message from people's lives. A pleasant surprise were photos  from foreign journalists who were in Slovakia. The Mayor of Piešťany, Peter Jančovič, welcomed the attendees and highly appreciated the idea of publicizing the life of...

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